_!_FRE FRE = Freetext subwindow _!_EXT EXT = External representation of a record; F5 switches to internal

Except HEA and MNU, all source code is in a35-pc-cont.php

_!_INT INT = Internal representation; F5 to switch back to EXT _!_INF INF = Information quadrant: All sorts of stuff can appear here _!_REG REG = Index quadrant: alphanumeric listings from the allegro index _!_ERG ERG = Result sets listings _!_ERR ERR = Error messages _!_PGB PGB = Text between ERR and MES _!_MES MES = Message of any kind _!_FRL FRL = FreeField Left _!_FRR FRR = FreeField Right _!_HEA

HEA = Headline, incl. Corp. Id. [a35-head-pc?.php]

_!_HL1 HL1 = HeadLine 1 _!_HL2 HL2 = HeadLine 2 _!_HL3 HL3 = HeadLine 3 _!_HL4 HL4 = HeadLine 4 _!_FTL FTL = FootLine _!_MNU MNU = Menu [a35-pc-menu.php]